Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Poisonous plants for Dogs and Cats

As spring comes into full swing, you may be eager to incorporate flowers into your home decor, but bear in mind that not all plants are safe for your furry friend. An encounter with a toxic plant can lead to serious health complications for your dog or cat. Thankfully, many pet-friendly alternatives are stylish and safe for your household!

That being said, here are some common house/outdoor plants that are toxic to pets:

Common Toxic Plants to Pets

Daffodil – This flower is considered poisonous to dogs and cats. The toxins of the daffodil are largely found in the bulb or in the water the flower sits in.  

Lily & Lily of the Valley- Lilies are highly dangerous to both cats and dogs. Even a small amount of the plan can lead to kidney failure and abnormal heart rhythm. 

Azalea – While azaleas are only moderately toxic to pets, it is still recommended to keep them away from your furry friend. Ingestion of the plant over 0.2% of your pet’s body weight will lead to poisoning. A high level of exposure can lead to a coma and death. 

Tulips – As part of the Lily family, tulips, especially their bulbs, are highly toxic to dogs and cats. Even a teaspoon of this flower can lead to severe poisoning. 

Hyacinth – Hyacinths are very toxic to pets, and even inhaling the flower can lead to complications. The symptoms are similar to that of tulips and lilies. 

Wisteria – Despite the elegant look of the wisteria, they are quite toxic to pets. Serious 

poisonings do not occur often, but exposure to more than 3 of the pods/seeds can lead to lethal side effects. 

Oleander – Oleander is very toxic to pets. Consumption of 0.005% of your pet’s weight in dry leaves can lead to death. Symptoms occur quickly and suddenly, generally appearing within 30 minutes of consumption.  

Chrysanthemum – All plants within the chrysanthemum family are considered toxic to pets. Though they only cause a mild reaction, these flowers are poisonous nonetheless. 

Aloe Vera – Aloe vera may be useful for humans, but don’t let your pets get into it! Ingestion of the plant must be treated immediately to prevent the breakdown of red blood cells. 

Other toxic plants include sago palm, amaryllis, poinsettia, mistletoe, dieffenbachia, Nerium oleander, castor bean, and hydrangea. If you’re unsure whether a plant is toxic to your pet, a quick online search should let you know. Some pet-friendly plants include roses, orchids, magnolia, cacti, freesia, and sunflower. 


Symptoms of Plant Poisoning in your Pets:

Luckily, it is quite easy to spot the signs of plant poisoning in your pet. The indicators of ingestion should arrive within a few hours of exposure. Common symptoms are vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling, tremors, and agitation. More serious exposures can lead to seizures, kidney failure, heart problems/arrhythmia, and extreme fatigue. If you notice that your pet has ingested toxins, seek veterinary help immediately. Do not attempt to treat your pet without veterinary assistance. 

Now that you know what to look out for, spring flowers await! Do you have any recommendations for pet-friendly plants? Let us know in the comments! 

The post Poisonous plants for Dogs and Cats appeared first on Peak City Puppy.


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