Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Cinnamon and Buddy joined the dog walking crew this past week. They will be getting daily visits from our walker, Sarah.

Cinnamon and Buddy joined the dog walking crew this past week. They will be getting daily visits from our walker, Sarah.

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Preparing for a New Puppy

It has finally happened. Maybe you were not in a place where you could offer a new dog a home, but now after much deliberation and discussion, you have decided to add a new puppy to the family. This is an exciting time for everyone in the family and can be a time of great joy and family bonding as you get to know your new dog.  You may be asking yourself, “how should I be preparing for a new puppy?”

Having a puppy can bring you a lot of happiness, but it also involves a lot of responsibility. Before you bring your new furry friend home, it is best to know what you will need and what you will need to do to give your new pup the best start in life and make the training process as simple as possible. If you are not sure where to start, look no further. We will share items that you will need for your puppy, as well as socialization tips. Take a look!

What Are Must-Haves for My New Puppy?

Before you bring your new puppy home, make sure to have everything they need to make the transition as smooth as possible for all of you. These items include the following:

  • Stainless steel, glass, or ceramic food and water bowls. While plastic bowls tend to be cheaper, puppies tend to chew, and you may have to keep replacing them. Stainless steel, glass, or ceramic or sturdier are heavier and can withstand puppy rambunctiousness. 
  • Puppy food. There are many puppy foods available at your local pet store. If you are not sure which food to pick, seek out the advice from a trusted veterinarian. Always make sure to pick food that is specific for your puppy’s age. 
  • Treats. These will be a lifesaver when you are trying to potty train your puppy.
  • Crate. Before you pick a crate, make sure you have a rough idea of the size your puppy will be full grown so that the crate will last for a long time. They should be able to comfortably stand up and turn around while in it. 
  • A bed. It is important for your new puppy to have their own place to sleep, rest, and get away if needed.
  • Toys. Puppies don’t just want to chew; they need to for their own physical and mental health. Be sure to get them durable chew toys that they will be more willing to chew on then your furniture or shoes. 
  • Pee pads. Pee pads will help your puppy learn that there is a specific area that need to go when they have to potty. Plus, they are easy to clean and will help your puppy have an easier transition to using the potty outside. 
  • Brush and nail clippers. The type of brush you will need will vary depending on your puppy’s coat length. Even if your dog is short haired, they still need to be brushed to remove loose hairs and help maintain healthy skin. A good pair of nail clippers is also necessary as long nails can get caught in things and cause injury to your puppy. 
  • Puppy shampoo. Dogs do some of their own grooming, but regular bathing with a shampoo designed for them will keep their skin and coat healthy. 
  • Parasite prevention. Dogs tend to pick up a lot of critters when they go outside. Make sure they are protected against fleas, ticks, intestinal and heart worms as these can all cause serious health issues. 

This may seem like a lot, but it will all be put to good use and will last for a long time.

How Do I Socialize My New Puppy?

A big part of having a dog is socializing them with new people, other dogs and animals, and new situations. You may feel overwhelmed by how to go about it, but you do not have to do it all at once. Introduce new situations and other people gradually. This could be as simple as taking them on walk, taking them to a dog park for a half hour (once they have been vaccinated), joining puppy training classes, or even taking them to the pet store to pick out a toy. And of course we can always help by walking your new puppy on a consistent basis! Check out our new puppy services page. https://peakcitypuppy.com/new-puppy-service/

The most important thing is to be patient and remain calm. Puppies are learning and they can pick up on your anxiety and stress. When they make mistakes (jumping, barking at other people or dogs, etc.) be firm and say no, but do not yell. They will associate those situations with bad and it will have the opposite effect of what you want. 

Make new experiences positive for your puppy. Praise them effusively when they behave in the way you desire. Don’t be afraid to incorporate treats if your pup is motivated by food. 

Any new situation can be a learning experience and a way for your puppy to get used to, so they will grow up curious and eager instead of fearful and anxious. Do not be too hard on yourself if things don’t always go smoothly. You can always try again and use different tactics or come back to something if your puppy is not quite ready. 

Most importantly, have fun! If you are enjoying yourself your puppy will enjoy themselves too and the learning experience will be more effective. 

Final Thoughts

Getting a new puppy is a thrilling time, filled with new experiences for both you and your pet. One thing you need to focus on with a new puppy is making sure that you have everything you need, such as food bowls, crate, toys, pee pad, and grooming equipment.

It is also important to socialize your puppy to a wide variety of people, animals, and situations. This helps them grow up to be less anxious and fearful and less disruptive overall. Be patient, kind, and calm. Most importantly have fun and make the experience enjoyable for you and your puppy. 

The post Preparing for a New Puppy appeared first on Peak City Puppy.

source https://peakcitypuppy.com/preparing-for-a-new-puppy/

Thursday, August 11, 2022

We are a Professional Cat Sitter! Cats Are Welcome!

We Take Care of Cats Too!
Professional Cat Sitter: If you are going out of town and looking for someone to check in on your kitty (or kitties) while
you are gone, you may have come across Peak City Puppy in your search. Do not let the name
fool you! While our primary service is dog walking, our employees are also experienced in
working with cats and would love to take care of yours while you are gone.
Whether you need someone to just come in to feed, water, and scoop the litter, or to spend
time with your cat and give it some extra affection, we are happy to help. Let’s take a look
below at the services we offer, so you can choose the best option for you and your situation.

Cat Sitter

What Are My Options?
Similar to dog services, there are different time options for your cat’s care, broken down into
the following options:
-10 Minute Visits. This is ideal for the family with a low maintenance cat who prefers
solitude and just needs someone to come in, refresh water and food, and scoop the
– 20 Minute Visits. If your kitty is extra rambunctious and enjoys social interaction this
option gives time for a bit of play in addition to scooping and feeding.
– 30 Minute Visits. This length visit is perfect for the family with the cat who has special
needs (discussed more below) and needs a bit more time and attention in addition to
scooping and feeding.
With the different time options broken down, we will now explore how the process works and
discuss more individualized care from your professional cat sitter.

How Does it Work?
Before you leave on your trip, your cat will be assigned to one of our professional cat sitters who will reach
out to set up a meet and greet with you and your cat(s). While there, they will familiarize
themselves with your kitty, learn the location of food and how much is needed, and where the
litter box, scoop, and bags are and your preferences for disposal. They will also obtain a key or
learn the keycode for your home.

What if My Cat Has Health Issues?
If you have been hesitant to go on a vacation because your cat needs time sensitive
medications but boarding them with a vet is a bit too much for your budget, we would be
happy to work with you on a more affordable option. We have served clients who have cats
with diabetes, epilepsy, stomach issues, and more. You will only be charged for the time that
we come in to check on your cat instead of an entire day.
At your meet and greet we will take as much time as is needed with careful note taking as you
go over the routines of your cat’s care, medication location, and how to administer it. We are happy to learn about your cat’s individual needs and hope that we can be of service to you and
your family for your cat’s individual care.

Final Thoughts
If you need someone to take care of your cats while you are out of town, look no further than
Peak City Puppy. We get to know you and your cat and their individual needs, whether for a
simple scoop and feed, extra socialization, or medication administration.
We are eager to learn your cat and family’s individual needs and will strive to take the best
possible care of them so you can enjoy your time away without stress.

Check out our team to find one of our Professional Cat Sitter in your area! https://peakcitypuppy.com/team-members/#

The post We are a Professional Cat Sitter! Cats Are Welcome! appeared first on Peak City Puppy.

source https://peakcitypuppy.com/we-are-a-professional-cat-sitter-cats-are-welcome/

Photos from Peak City Puppy's post

Meet Max! Max is a 13 year old (TOMORROW - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!) morkie and lets just say his walkers absolutely adore him! His human mama has...